Thursday, March 8, 2007
Classroom Ethnnography, part the sixth
During free time, students socialize. This is universal among all of Ms. Beale's classes.
All of the students in her 4th hour class participate in group activites and discussion in at least groups of two, although some groups are more on-task then others. The students seem to be sitting near people they can relate to, if not friends, and so there is little discomfort during discussions.
During class on Monday, the students were working on a collage about In the Time of the Butterflies. Some students congregated by the large bins of magazines that Ms. Beale had set up, some worked at their desks. Two students went back and forth, giggling and teasing each other by pulling pages out of the magazine and using them as masks. A group of male students talked about the car magazine they had found. It was the most active I had ever seen the class. However, as soon as Ms. Beale spoke, everybody was immediatley silent, until she stopped.
It is hard to assign roles such as "disruptive" or "disappearing" to these students. Nobody ever disrupts Ms. Beale when she is talking, and there is little student-to-teacher or student-to-class interaction, so it would be fair to say that the entire class disappears when Ms. Beale talks, and is present again when they work. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend class when there was a graded discussion, so missed a day that required large group interaction, something that has been lacking in the days I visited.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Classroom Ethnography, Part the fifth

The scribe sheets are consolidated in a clipboard, so all students have access to every agenda and class day from the beginning of the trimester. Every scribe, without fail, copies the agenda that Ms. Beale writes on the board. Every scribe, without fail, lists the handouts received and the work assigned, if any. Varience only really intrudes when students "List completely and sequentially WHAT WE DID TODAY".
Some students simply recreated the Agenda in their own words, for example, on the first day, a student writes "We filled out ID cards with parents names and then we discussed class expectations and had the room tour. The scribe calendar was passed around for everybody to sign. We wrote our journals on the importance of certain values." When the agenda listed 1. ID card 2. syllabus/room tour 3. scribe 4. journal. Many students described activites by simply saying that they did them, instead of describing them, for example "Notes on run-on sentences --what it is and how to correct it."
Some students wrote little or nothing. A lot of the scribe sheets are missing, or incomplete. Ms. Beale grades the sheets occaisionally for completion, and gives the students opportunities to make up the work on another day for half credit. Still, many days are not covered, and some days are somehow covered twice, which is either a confusion in schedules, or students trying to "pull one over" on Ms. Beale.
A few students, however, took it upon themselves to write more. One student expanded the note-taking acronym SKRAWL. One student included a diagram of how to annotate and reasons why Ms. Beale uses exit slips. One student listed and defined the vocab words assigned in class.
So, the question I have to ask is: Is this a valuable task? I assume that this was originally started in order to enable absent students to have some autonomy in regard to catching up to the class, and also to save the teacher some trouble in getting the students caught up. But the perfunctary, and sometimes completely neglected, descriptions probably cause more questions than answers. Of course, those times the student goes beyond in their descriptions are extremely helpful. And there is a certain value in having students track what the class is actually doing. This can be a form of informal assessment as well, as if the student is unable to communicate what they did, then they probably didn't understand what they did.
I am going to continue to use this activity next tri, but I am going to veiw it with a critical eye. I may have to keep a constant watch on who has the Scribe responsibilty, in order to assure that it gets done. And that, in the end, will not be worth my time.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Classroom Ethnography, Part the forth

In class on Wednesday, Ms. Beale had the class "report out" on a small group discussion on In the Time of the Butterflies that they had done in the previous class periods. The questions were composed in order to guide students towards making inferences in the text. Ms. Beale began the activity by giving directions: speak clearly, listen, take notes on new ideas, etc.
During the activity, each group stood, in turn, faced the rest of the group, read their question they had been assigned from the handout (linked from a screenshot above), and then detailed their answer using in-text examples of events, plot recitation and citations. The other students did not comment or add any questions. Very few students wrote any notes, and one is even doing math homework instead. It is obvious to me from my observations that students did not value this activity all that highly beyond their personal performance, which Ms. Beale will grade them on.
Ms. Beale does comment on every presentation, modeling an emotional response to the text, potential themes and messages in the text, and correcting misconceptions. She often says "The really interesting part is..." or "What I noticed was...".
While students were composing the answers to this discussion on Monday, I noticed that students tended to compose their claim beforehand, and then look for evidence to support it. I noticed this with the AP students as well while they were working on a synthethis AP style question. This "inside out" method seems to be time consuming and difficult, especially when the evidence does not bear out the original conclusion.
Aside: Students, just now (I'm writing this from Ms. Beale's room), were talking about the book before Ms. Beale passed out the 3rd and final multiple choice comprehension test. One student asked the others "Are Maria Teresa and Mate the same person?" and another answered, "Yeah, it's like Trujillo and El Jefe." To which, another student responded, "Wait, they are the same person?"
Obviously, there are reader misconceptions that are happening in this text. While, on one hand, I'm glad that the students are addressing them themselves, I'm concerned that these misconceptions about these main characters aren't being fully resolved earlier. The last student confessed to me, after I had explained how "jefe" means "boss" in Spanish, that he might have compared and contrasted El Jefe and Trujillo! This could have been a joke, but since Ms. Beale's class seems to consist of a lot a worktime and little class discussion, I wonder if there are other misconceptions that are not being addressed.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Classroom ethnography, supplemental
Classroom Ethnography, part the third
Oh, yeah, my subbing experience (oh, that sounds dirty). It went great. I taught three classes, 2 sections of AP English 11, and one section of regular English 11. Ms. Beale gave me a very easy day with all three classes, the first two finished up a group writing activity, then started another one. The English 11 class finished up a written paragraph, then did silent reading. I had about three minutes of lecture time total in each class, which is good, because I might not have known what I was talking about.
The students were more energetic and social than they would be for Ms. Beale. I was expecting this, and didn't bother to try to battle them too much. One thing that surprised me is that many students, both AP and regular, were overjoyed when they realized Ms. Beale was gone. "Yes!" they cried. "We have a sub!" Some of them clapped. The clapping sounded ironic, like they were putting on a show for the other students, playing at how overjoyed they were. I discouraged them verbally from cheering, and also said "no clapping." They stopped quite quickly.
Now, if I think about it, I seem to remember students doing this when I was in High School (I never did that. Um, I was a model student.). I can't remember if this was common for every teacher, or if it was only the ones the students didn't like. Will my students rejoice when I call in sick? Another thing that was interesting about this was that it was both the AP and regular classes that reacted this way. I assumed the AP classes would be more reticent in letting a substitute know that they are happy the teacher is gone.
This might be a good example of the classroom community that is established in this room, and the way the students resist it. During normal class time, the students are quiet while Ms. Beale speaks, and they studiously take notes and do their work. They form a line at Ms. Beale's desk when they need questions, and there are very few times when a student is off task, or doing other work.
When I subbed, since I was obviously not a complete authority, the students took liberties with me. Some played with their rubik's cube, some did homework for other classes, some talked with their friends. I circulated the room, and asked questions about the Rubik's cube (I work in a game store, and they've been selling like hot-cakes) and the other homework, and then evaesdropped on some of the social converstaions. I felt like it would have been a constant battle to keep the kids as on task as they would be for Ms. Beale, and so I cut them some slack. This doesn't mean that the entire class was off task, I helped many students with relevant classwork, and made sure that all students accomplished what they needed to in the class period (the AP classes finished the group discussion, and signed up in groups of three for the next assignment, the regular class finished up the paragraph, and did (at least some) silent reading, since they have a large amount of reading due next week.).
One important part of the classroom structure, I think, was the phrase "Ladies and Gentlemen." Both Ms. Beale and the other English 11 teacher use this phrase as a mode of address. It seems to be a very polite attention getter. I noticed, when I used the phrase Ladies and Gentlemen, I seemed to get a more unified and cooperative silence than when I used my preferred mode of address, "Hey, you guys" or "You all" (the American South's crowning acheivement is a gender nuetral second person plural). I found that quite interesting, as they were obviously responding to the phrase, and not to my innate authority. I will probably continue this practice in my student teaching, as it's important to maintain the practices that work best when taking over a classroom as I am.
There are other aspects of authority I wish to extend into my student teaching as well, one of which is the vocabulary which Ms. Beale uses to run her class. In her general English classes, she foscueses on actual rhetorical terms in expository writing, such as claim, evidence and warrant, and ethos, pathos and logos. I don't know if I just took the wrong English classes in High School and college, but this explicit instruction is thrilling and new for me.
On monday, there was one other observation that I found interesting. Ms. Beale had the AP English classes do individual reading conferences, where she would have the student read a piece, and interview him/her on how they understood it. She would also check his/her reading journal. During this time, the other students were working in groups on the assignment I assigned on friday. When the first reading conference was completed, the students automatically became silent (just as silent as when Ms. Beale speakes to them) while the first student related what had happened, and how it went. I found it interesting that the students were very able and willing to collaborate in this fashion.
Later today (after my nap) I'll try to type about the activity systems in place in the classroom.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Classroom Ethnography, part the 2nd
Oh, by the way, there were 19 teachers sick that day, and there were only 15 substitutes in the building. This is not a good correlation. It meant that many teachers had to use their prep time teaching another class. It also meant that I had to substitute teach on Friday, for Ms. Beale. So, now I've officially taught high school. It was fun, although I had a very easy plan, and a very motivated student group (two AP classes, and her best-behaved regular English class) so it was basically a cakewalk. I'll talk more about that later.
*What are you purposes for teaching literature?
Ms. Beale says that she's not a very affective teacher, mostly because she's a self-confessed introvert, but also because she feels that style can be manipulative. She expresses a love of stories, and says that communicating through stories is "part of being human." Also, her primary goal is to improve reading skills and this is easier and more fun with stories.
*What is your philosophy of classroom management?
Here, Ms. Beale quotes another teacher who said "Classroom management starts with a good relationship with your students." She says she tries to keep "some semblance of order" in her classroom, but she struggles sometimes, when students want to focus more on friendships than on the lesson at hand. She will easily point out when students cross the line, but feels bad sometimes when she does this, as it does take classtime away from teaching, which "impedes their learning." She does contact parents if a student has a recurring problem.
Ms. Beale makes it clear that a good relationship doesn't mean become a student's friend. "They have plenty of friends" she says. But she tries to know them, ask about their lives, or what they do in their free time, and try to joke with them.
*How do communicate, both verbally and nonverbally?
Ms. Beale wasn't sure how to answer this question, and I probably wasn't much help. She described the importance of proximity and gaining attention of the student before speaking to them.
*How do you describe a "good" Englsih teacher?
Ms. Beale doesn't think that there is one perfect type of English teacher. The keys to being a good one are a love of the subject and the key concepts, and the ability to work with the school district and handle multiple disciplines. She beleives that she is not just teaching a vague "creativity" skill, but multiple, concrete tools to help students.
She also emphasizes that there are many good teacheers at her school, and they are good because of their passion and ability to work together.
*How do you teaching methods align with your values?
This was a interesting question. Ms. Beale said that she tries to be nuetral in her classroom, that, "like most teachers, I'm Liberal" but that she is also sensitive to other viewpoints, and wishes them to not feel ostracized in her classroom.
Overall, she tries not to be too political in her classroom, but believes it is more important to teach a value of respect for multiple viewpoints. Specifically, she says that her AP classes focus on looking at multiple perspectives, and in her basic classes she teaches persuasion, in order to instill this value. Through this, she also plays a devil's advocate role, as she calls it, "raising the natural next question," in order to refine her students views and opinions.
*How do you interact with students' families?
Ms. Beale bemaons the lack of contact that she sometimes experiences. "I wish there were an easier way to contact them, especially for good things," she says. Most of the time, she admits, when talking to parents, it's bad news. She does send home something at the start of the trimester with information about the class for a parent to look over, but that's usually about it until conferences for most parents. Ms. Beale tries to solve most issues with students by themselves first, before calling parents. It's takes a lot to call home, she says. She does communicate by email with many parents, and she does think this is a good method, but she is very carefull about tone in her email. She relates a story about a past student teacher who wrote emails in a tone similar to his speaking voice, and it didn't translate, and it made some parents upset.
As an aside, she cautions that her school does have some litigious parents, and dealing with them "can be tricky." I feel weird writing that. Like it's a journalistic scoop or something.
*How would you describe your calssroom environment?
One word? Structured.
"For me, structure works." Ms. Beale says. She and her students know what to expect and where to begin. She also hopes that this structure is safe and helpfull for her students.
*What subjects and content areas do you "love" to teach?
"Writing." She says immediately. Literature is hard for her, because so much of it is discussion, and she is, after all, an introvert. She doesn't think creative writing is her strength; she has taught it in the past, but more as experimenting with different established forms and styles than anything else. She does enjoy teaching expository writing, however. She talked of teaching exigence -- which, if she hadn't of spelled for me, I would have had to look up-- or the purpose for writing, and how she enjoys having students brainstorm dillemas and freewrite in order to choose interesting topics. She hopes to teach them to notice details in arguements, and thinks this will lead to improvements in driscussion and writing. She talks of helping students figure out ways to be better writers. She likes freedom in topic choice, but does monitor and limit them where necessary, she isn't afraid to say "for this assignment, it's not going to be [a] good [topic]" and guide them towards something else.
Tomorrow, I'll talk about my substituting experience, along with some notes on the Classroom community. And maybe something else. We'll see.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Classroom Ethnography, Part the first
My cooperative teacher is nothing if not a very organized teacher. The students sit at rows of large tables, two students per table, with an aisle down the middle. At the front of the room, she writes the agenda for each of her three or four classes that day on the whiteboard, along with notes that she will refer to throughout the day during class. If you face the front of the room, there are homework buckets lined up on the right hand side, and underneath those are cabinets, clearly labeled with a purple index card of what books are inside, including the Norton Reader. On the left, the blackboard is covered with magnetic poetry, which the students occaisionally play with. Also, there are a few postings and posters for writing contests which the students can enter. The back wall, made up of a large row of windows, is blanketed with posters and colleges, some student made, of various literary and writing devices, terms and advice. Posters are posted around the room as well, two extolling the wisdom of Star Wars, one the TV show Lost, along with a number of comic strips and inspirational posters and quotes that say things such as "Stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone" or "Power is the ability to do good things for others."
Print is used constantly and consistently in the class environment. Handouts and overheads are in great supply. Ms. Beale takes the time to explain many of them in class, although sometimes she leaves students responsible for comprehension. For example, she passed out a handout on how to turn in a persuasive letter, and told the students that they needed to read it completely, or "you will miss a bonus oppurtunity." Students would receive bonus points by assembling his or her letter ahead of time.
Student interaction is largely limited to independent worktime activities. Students are often able to choose topics for writing, for example, they got to choose their topic of the persuasive letter, while they read the same literature, with a set reading schedule. During reading and writing activites, they are expected to monitor their progress, and come to the teacher with any questions. At the end of class, they hand in a half-sheet of paper that lists what they did, and what they plan to do next. During reading the students do annotations of the text, or compose journal entries.
Most teacher questions during work time boil down to "Am I doing this correctly?" Ms. Beale is viewed as the authority in the classroom, and there seems to be little cross-checking between students except for socialization, etc.